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BIG post treatment scans

Since we checked in with you, little Ms. Emmy has finished her last chemo treatment in her pathway and returned home to the (kinda) snowy...

Breathe Deep

On the eve of end of treatment scans, we spend the evening at Brent’s Place. We haven’t been here in a few weeks. There is a fondness we...

Purple Heart

This is a mediport. It is implanted beneath the skin in the chest and runs through the subclavian vein. The tip of the catheter lies in...

"New normal"

Good Morning Friends, It’s us, your long lost internet family who’s chronicled adventures through pediatric cancer you’ve been following....

6 month scans ...

It’s dark outside these mountain house windows once again. Too early for the always eager sun to outline those familiar hillsides covered...

Emmy's 3rd Birthday!

It has been much too long since we’ve had a chance to connect. We miss you and want to tell you all about our happenings recently. Before...

One Year off Treatment

Going into scans and the weeks leading up to, are never easy. They will never be. Our breaths become shallower and shallower the closer...

VVCF Recipient Update

This past February the Vail Valley Charitable Fund reached out to Emmy and her family to see how they were doing. "...we are in the...

We Need Your Support Today!

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